Report Local Technical Visit to HKT Integrated Service & Operation Centre (ISOC)- By Mr. Keith Wong
HKT Integrated Service & Operation Centre (ISOC) is the central hub managing round the clock operations for all HKT services for both consumers and commercial customers. It is the prime working location where professional engineers perform service monitoring, network management and troubleshooting for unique quadruple-play solutions and services with comprehensive operation processes. On 18 Nov 2022, the HKIE Electrical Division organized a technical visit to ISOC, locates in Lai Chi Kwok to understand the telecom operations, covers problem management, configuration management, change management, performance monitoring, as well as quality assurance for local network via sophisticated network monitoring and analysis tools
The ISOC adopts protective services management for all networks and services. It is decided to maintain the best network and deliver the best services for all-rounded surveillance of HKT full services network. The center implements the network monitoring framework, proactive detect network health condition and collect network health data in 7x24. It includes Network monitoring illustration from both Inside-out and Outside-in view, Fast identification & analysis, and Fast service restoration to minimize the customer impact. As there are over thousands of telecom equipment to be managed, HKT implements the Change Management System, by setting out change policy for effective management. It records all changes in change management system to ensure the traceability, ensure changes are well controlled by responsible persons/ teams, and ensure changes implemented within agreed timeframe with verification test plan and contingency plan in place.
The visit was end with the tour of modern operation center to observe the traffic and the signal to be monitored, and also ages telecom equipment in 1980s. The members had the chance the learn how the telephone line to be recognized through electro-mechanical switches and the channel to be setup between the lines. On behalf of the EL Division, we would like to express our gratefulness to Hong Kong Telecom Limited for arranging and supporting the visit.